Kenneth Eaton
The Experienced Business Leader
For Williamson County Mayor
Vote Tuesday,
May 1st, 2018.
Kenneth Eaton
Practical Sense for Our Dollars and Cents
Political Outsider
Kenneth Eaton became interested in politics due to an eminent domain issue. From the side of the people he saw cronyism, wasteful spending, and corruption in government. Ever since, Kenneth has fought for transparency and fiscal conservatism in local government.
Innovative Businessman
Kenneth has owned and operated several successful businesses over the last 40 years. He has stayed involved in real estate investments and auto dealerships. Both have taught him to be a numbers hawk – searching through the details to find the best deal. Kenneth has mastered The Art of the Deal, and in his latest business venture, he has found, fought, and cut wasteful spending. His focus created 75 new jobs in the area, and his real estate investments have brought $20 million to the market.
Fiscal Conservative
Kenneth Eaton is a traditional leader who is on the side of the people. He has seen the corruption and is ready to step in and correct the issues. He is a strong fiscal conservative who won’t raise taxes on Williamson County residents. He has talent balancing budgets and cutting overhead costs in his latest auto dealership by 30%.
The bottom line
Kenneth Eaton is the Best Deal for Williamson County
Vote Tuesday, May 1st, 2018 in the Republican Primary